Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM)


Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM)

The Versatile Ingredient: Animal Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM)

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is a paste-like substance produced by mechanically separating the edible meat from the bones and connective tissues of animals. It is commonly used in processed foods, such as hot dogs, sausages, and canned meats. MSM has a fine texture and can be easily shaped or formed into different products. It is often combined with other ingredients, such as spices, fats, and fillers, to create a desired texture and flavor. While MSM provides an affordable source of meat, its production process and nutritional composition have raised concerns among consumers and health experts.

Jan Dec
Neutral, mild.

Origins and history

The use of mechanically separated meat dates back to the early 20th century when it was developed as a way to utilize the remaining meat on animal carcasses. It gained popularity in the food industry due to its low cost and ability to maximize meat yield. However, the production process of MSM involves high-pressure machines that extract the meat by forcing the bones and tissues through small openings. This process can result in the inclusion of bone fragments and other undesirable components in the final product. Due to these concerns, the use of MSM has been restricted or banned in some countries. It is important to read labels and be aware of the presence of MSM in processed foods.

Nutritional information

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is a good source of protein and can provide essential nutrients found in meat. However, its nutritional composition can vary depending on the specific animal used and the production process. It is generally higher in fat and lower in vitamins and minerals compared to whole cuts of meat. The exact nutritional information may vary depending on the specific product and brand.


Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) may contain allergens such as soy, wheat, or other ingredients used in the processing of the final product. It is important to read labels carefully and be aware of any potential allergens present in foods that contain MSM.

How to select

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is typically not available for individual purchase as it is primarily used as an ingredient in processed foods. When purchasing products that contain MSM, it is important to read labels and choose reputable brands that prioritize quality and safety. Look for products that clearly state the absence of bone fragments or other undesirable components.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the quality and safety of products containing animal mechanically separated meat (MSM), it is important to follow the storage instructions provided on the packaging. Most processed foods containing MSM should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, refrigerate the product and consume it within the recommended timeframe. It is crucial to handle and store processed foods properly to prevent spoilage or contamination.

How to produce

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is produced in large-scale food processing facilities using specialized machinery. The process involves mechanically separating the meat from the bones and tissues of animals, typically poultry or pork. It requires industrial-grade equipment and is not suitable for amateur production.

Preparation tips

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is primarily used as an ingredient in processed foods, such as hot dogs, sausages, canned meats, or meat-based spreads. It is often combined with other ingredients to create a desired texture and flavor. MSM can be used as a binding agent to improve the texture and juiciness of processed meats. It is commonly found in fast food items like chicken nuggets or chicken patties. While MSM is controversial, it plays a significant role in the food industry by providing an affordable source of meat for various products.

Culinary uses

Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM) is commonly used in processed foods and sausages. It is a key ingredient in products like hot dogs, sausages, canned meats, or meat-based spreads. MSM is often used to improve the texture and binding properties of processed meats. It can be found in fast food items, frozen meat products, or canned meats. However, due to concerns regarding its production process and nutritional composition, the use of MSM has been restricted or banned in some countries.