Cabbage palm heart


Cabbage palm heart

The Delicate Delight: Cabbage Palm Heart

Cabbage palm heart is characterized by its ivory-white color, crisp texture, and mild, slightly sweet flavor. It has a tender yet crunchy bite, making it a versatile ingredient in both raw and cooked preparations. Its appearance resembles a pale, elongated cone with tightly packed layers.

With a delicate and subtly sweet taste, cabbage palm heart offers a mild flavor profile that is reminiscent of artichokes and hearts of palm.

Origins and history

Cabbage palm heart has a rich history in Native American and Latin American cuisines. It has been a staple food for indigenous tribes in the southeastern United States for centuries. The harvesting of cabbage palm heart requires sustainable practices to ensure the preservation of this valuable resource.

Nutritional information

Cabbage palm heart is low in calories and fat, while being a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. It also contains small amounts of calcium and iron.


There are no known allergens associated with cabbage palm heart.

How to select

When selecting cabbage palm heart, look for tightly packed layers with a firm texture. Avoid any signs of discoloration, wilting, or sliminess. Fresh cabbage palm heart should have a crisp and vibrant appearance.

Storage recommendations

To maintain freshness, store cabbage palm heart in the refrigerator wrapped in a damp paper towel and placed in a plastic bag. It is best consumed within a few days of purchase.

How to produce

Cabbage palm heart is typically harvested from wild cabbage palms, making it challenging to produce on a small scale. It requires specific knowledge and expertise in sustainable harvesting techniques.

Preparation tips

Cabbage palm heart can be enjoyed raw in salads, pickled, or cooked in various dishes such as stir-fries, soups, and stews. It can also be grilled or sautéed to enhance its natural flavors.

Culinary uses

Cabbage palm heart is commonly used in salads, ceviche, and traditional dishes like swamp cabbage stew in Native American and Latin American cuisines.


Cabbage palm heart is commonly available in the southeastern United States, particularly in Florida. It is also cultivated in some parts of Central and South America.