Cheese, doux de montagne


Cheese, doux de montagne

The Creamy Delight from the Mountains

Cheese, doux de montagne is a semi-soft cheese with a pale yellow interior and a bloomy rind. It has a creamy and smooth texture, which becomes even more luscious as it ages. The flavor of doux de montagne is mild and buttery, with subtle hints of earthiness. It pairs well with fruits, crackers, and crusty bread, and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Jan Dec
Mild, buttery, and earthy.

Origins and history

Doux de montagne cheese originates from the mountainous regions of France, where it has been produced for centuries. The cheese-making tradition in these areas dates back to medieval times, and the unique terroir of the mountains contributes to the distinct flavor of doux de montagne. It is often enjoyed as a part of traditional French cuisine and is a favorite among cheese connoisseurs.

Nutritional information

Doux de montagne cheese is a good source of calcium and protein. It also contains vitamins A and B12. However, it is high in saturated fat and should be consumed in moderation.


May contain allergens for individuals sensitive to dairy products.

How to select

When selecting doux de montagne cheese, look for a cheese that is soft to the touch and has a creamy, bloomy rind. Avoid cheeses with any signs of mold or an ammonia-like smell. Opt for cheeses that have been aged for at least a few weeks for a more pronounced flavor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of doux de montagne cheese, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in wax paper or plastic wrap. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption. Bring the cheese to room temperature before serving to enhance its flavors and texture.

How to produce

Doux de montagne cheese is typically produced by artisanal cheese makers in the mountainous regions of France. The process involves curdling milk, draining the whey, and allowing the cheese to age for a specific period. While it requires specialized equipment and knowledge, amateur cheese makers can try their hand at making similar soft cheeses using readily available cheese-making kits and following detailed recipes.

Preparation tips

Doux de montagne cheese can be enjoyed on its own, paired with fruits, crackers, or crusty bread. It melts beautifully and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as grilled cheese sandwiches, quiches, pasta dishes, and salads. It can also be incorporated into desserts, such as cheesecakes or fruit tarts, for a creamy and indulgent twist.


A suitable substitution for doux de montagne cheese is Brie or Camembert, which have a similar creamy texture and mild flavor. Alternatively, you can use a mild goat cheese or a creamy blue cheese for a different taste profile.

Culinary uses

Doux de montagne cheese is commonly used in French cuisine, where it is enjoyed on cheese boards, in sandwiches, and in various traditional dishes. It can be melted in gratins, added to omelets, or used as a filling for savory pastries. The creamy and delicate nature of the cheese also makes it a popular choice for desserts and sweet treats.


Doux de montagne cheese is commonly available in France, particularly in the mountainous regions where it is produced. It can also be found in specialty cheese shops or gourmet stores in other countries.