Cured seasoned poultry meat


Cured seasoned poultry meat

The Art of Flavorful Cured Poultry: A Gastronomic Delight

Cured seasoned poultry meat refers to poultry, such as chicken or turkey, that has been cured and seasoned with a blend of herbs, spices, and other flavorings. The curing process involves preserving the meat with salt, sugar, and sometimes nitrates or nitrites. The result is a flavorful, tender meat with a slightly salty and savory taste. Cured seasoned poultry meat can be sliced and enjoyed as is, or used as an ingredient in sandwiches, salads, or cooked dishes.

Jan Dec
Savory, slightly salty

Origins and history

The art of curing and seasoning poultry meat dates back centuries and has been practiced in different cultures worldwide. From Italian prosciutto to Spanish jamón, each region has its own unique methods and flavor profiles. Cured seasoned poultry meat is often associated with traditional charcuterie and is a staple in European cuisine. It has gained popularity globally and is now enjoyed in various culinary creations.

Nutritional information

Cured seasoned poultry meat is a good source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals, including iron and zinc. However, it is also high in sodium and saturated fat, so it should be consumed in moderation. The nutritional content may vary depending on the specific curing and seasoning process used.



How to select

Cured seasoned poultry meat should be purchased from reputable sources that follow proper curing and food safety practices. Look for meat that has a deep, rich color and a firm texture. Avoid meat that appears slimy, has an off-putting odor, or shows signs of mold. It is recommended to buy from trusted butchers or specialty stores that specialize in charcuterie products.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the quality and flavor of cured seasoned poultry meat, store it in the refrigerator at a temperature below 40°F (4°C). Keep it tightly wrapped in plastic wrap or butcher paper to prevent it from drying out. Consume it within a week of purchase for the best taste and texture.

Preparation tips

Cured seasoned poultry meat can be enjoyed as is, thinly sliced and served on a charcuterie board or in sandwiches. It can also be used as an ingredient in various cooked dishes, such as pasta sauces, quiches, or salads. When using it in cooked dishes, remember that it is already seasoned and may add saltiness to the dish, so adjust the overall seasoning accordingly.

Culinary uses

Cured seasoned poultry meat is commonly used in European cuisine, particularly in countries like Italy, Spain, and France. It is a key component of charcuterie boards and is often enjoyed with bread, cheese, and wine. It is also used in dishes like pasta carbonara, quiches, and salads.


Europe, Italy, Spain, France