Flageolet (fresh seeds)


Flageolet (fresh seeds)

The Delicate Delight: Flageolet Beans

Flageolet beans are small, pale green beans with a tender yet creamy texture. They have a subtle, nutty flavor that pairs well with herbs and spices. These beans are often used in French cuisine, particularly in classic dishes like cassoulet and salads.

Jan Dec
Flageolet beans have a mild, nutty flavor with a creamy texture that is similar to lima beans. They have a subtle earthiness that pairs well with herbs like thyme and rosemary.

Origins and history

Flageolet beans have been cultivated in France since the 19th century and are a staple in French cooking. They are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region and were introduced to France by the Moors. These beans gained popularity due to their delicate flavor and ability to complement a wide range of ingredients.

Nutritional information

Flageolet beans are a good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals like iron and potassium. They are low in fat and calories, making them a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.


Flageolet beans are not known to be allergenic.

How to select

When selecting flageolet beans, look for fresh, plump pods with bright green color. The beans should feel firm and have a smooth texture. Avoid beans that are discolored, shriveled, or have a moldy appearance.

Storage recommendations

To store flageolet beans, place them in a breathable bag or container and store them in the refrigerator. They can be kept for up to a week. Cooked flageolet beans can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

How to produce

Flageolet beans can be grown in a home garden by planting the seeds in well-drained soil and providing adequate sunlight and water. They require a warm climate and take about 70-90 days to mature. Harvest the beans when they are young and tender for the best flavor and texture.

Preparation tips

Flageolet beans can be cooked by boiling them in salted water until tender, which usually takes about 20-30 minutes. They can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, salads, and side dishes. To enhance their flavor, cook them with aromatic herbs and spices like garlic, thyme, and bay leaves.

Culinary uses

Flageolet beans are commonly used in French cuisine, particularly in dishes like cassoulet, salads, and ragouts. They can also be used as a side dish or added to soups and stews for added creaminess and flavor.


Flageolet beans are commonly available in France and other European countries. They can also be found in specialty grocery stores or online.