Horse edible offal, non-muscle, other than liver and kidney


Horse edible offal, non-muscle, other than liver and kidney

The Exquisite Horse Edible Offal

Horse edible offal refers to various organ meats from horses, excluding the liver and kidney. These offal cuts, such as heart, tongue, and tripe, have distinct flavors and textures that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes. They are commonly used in traditional cuisines around the world, including French, Italian, and Asian cuisines. Horse offal is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious choice for adventurous eaters.

Jan Dec
Varies depending on the specific offal cut, but generally rich and savory.

Origins and history

The consumption of horse meat and offal has a long history in many cultures. In some regions, such as France and Italy, horse meat has been traditionally consumed for centuries. Horse offal is highly regarded for its unique flavors and is often featured in traditional dishes and delicacies. However, it is important to note that the consumption of horse meat and offal is controversial in some countries and cultures.

Nutritional information

Horse edible offal is a good source of protein, vitamins B12 and B6, iron, and zinc. The nutritional content may vary depending on the specific offal cut. For example, a 100-gram serving of horse heart provides approximately 150 calories, 20 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat.


May contain traces of allergens such as gluten and soy.

How to select

When selecting horse edible offal, look for cuts that have a fresh, clean smell and a bright, uniform color. The texture should be firm and moist, without any signs of discoloration or strong odor. If purchasing from a butcher or specialty store, ensure that the offal is sourced from reputable suppliers and meets food safety standards.

Storage recommendations

Fresh horse offal should be consumed within 1-2 days of purchase. If you are not planning to use it immediately, store it in the refrigerator at a temperature below 40°F (4°C). Cooked horse offal can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For long-term storage, freeze the offal in airtight packaging for up to 3 months.

How to produce

Horse edible offal is typically obtained from horses raised for meat production. It is not recommended for amateur production due to ethical and legal considerations. If you are interested in trying horse offal, it is best to purchase it from reputable suppliers or enjoy it at restaurants that specialize in traditional cuisine.

Preparation tips

Horse offal can be prepared in various ways, depending on the specific cut. Heart can be grilled or braised, tongue can be boiled or pickled, and tripe can be simmered in soups or stews. It is important to thoroughly cook horse offal to ensure food safety. Horse offal is commonly used in traditional dishes such as French-style tripe stew, Italian bollito misto, or Asian-style stir-fries.

Culinary uses

Horse edible offal is commonly used in traditional cuisines around the world. In France, horse offal is used in dishes such as tripe stew and sausages. In Italy, it is featured in bollito misto, a mixed boiled meat dish. In Asian cuisines, horse offal is often used in stir-fries and hot pot preparations. It is also enjoyed in various delicacies and street food.


Commonly available in countries where the consumption of horse meat is culturally accepted, such as France, Italy, Japan, and South Korea.