Hybrid Nerica®


Hybrid Nerica®

The Versatile Grain: Hybrid Nerica®

Hybrid Nerica® is a crossbreed between African and Asian rice varieties, resulting in a grain that boasts a harmonious combination of nutty, aromatic, and slightly sticky characteristics. It has a medium grain size and a creamy white color, with a tender yet chewy texture that enhances the overall dining experience.

Hybrid Nerica® offers a delightful blend of nutty, aromatic, and slightly sticky flavors, creating a satisfying taste experience in rice-based dishes.

Origins and history

Hybrid Nerica® was developed in the 1990s as part of efforts to improve rice production in Africa. It was specifically bred to withstand harsh growing conditions, such as drought and pests, while also delivering superior taste and nutritional value. Hybrid Nerica® has since gained popularity for its ability to provide sustainable food security and economic opportunities in many African countries.

Nutritional information

Hybrid Nerica® is a nutritious grain that is rich in carbohydrates, providing a good source of energy. It also contains essential minerals like iron and zinc, as well as B-vitamins that support overall health and well-being.


Hybrid Nerica® does not contain any known allergens.

How to select

When selecting Hybrid Nerica®, look for grains that are uniform in size, free from impurities, and have a creamy white color. Avoid grains that appear discolored, broken, or have a musty smell, as these may indicate poor quality or age.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of Hybrid Nerica®, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposure to moisture, heat, and direct sunlight, as these can cause the grains to spoil or lose their texture.

How to produce

Hybrid Nerica® can be grown by amateur farmers using traditional rice cultivation methods. It requires well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. However, it is recommended to consult local agricultural experts or extension services for specific guidance based on the region's climate and soil conditions.

Preparation tips

Hybrid Nerica® can be prepared using various cooking methods, such as boiling, steaming, or stir-frying. It serves as an excellent base for rice dishes, including pilafs, stir-fries, risottos, and salads. It can also be used to make rice pudding or incorporated into stuffed vegetables.

Culinary uses

Hybrid Nerica® is commonly used in African and Asian cuisines, where it serves as a staple grain in many traditional dishes. It pairs well with a wide range of ingredients, including meats, vegetables, and spices, allowing for endless culinary possibilities.


Hybrid Nerica® is primarily cultivated in several African countries, including Nigeria, Mali, and Senegal. It is also grown in some Asian countries, such as Cambodia and Vietnam.