Lobsters, spiny-rock lobster


Lobsters, spiny-rock lobster

Spiny-Rock Lobster: The Delicacy from the Sea

Spiny-rock lobsters have a hard, spiny shell that ranges in color from reddish-brown to greenish-blue. They have a firm and slightly chewy texture with a sweet and delicate flavor. The meat is often described as tender and juicy, making it highly sought after in culinary preparations.

Jan Dec
Spiny-rock lobsters have a sweet and delicate flavor with a firm and slightly chewy texture.

Origins and history

Spiny-rock lobsters are found in warm coastal waters around the world, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They have been harvested for centuries and are considered a delicacy in many coastal regions.

Nutritional information

Spiny-rock lobsters are a good source of lean protein and essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. They are low in fat and calories, making them a healthy choice for seafood lovers.


Individuals with shellfish allergies should avoid consuming spiny-rock lobsters, as they belong to the shellfish family.

How to select

When selecting spiny-rock lobsters, look for lobsters that are lively and active, with a hard and intact shell. Avoid lobsters with soft shells or any signs of discoloration or foul odor. Fresh lobsters should have a slightly sweet and briny aroma.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of spiny-rock lobsters, store them in a cool and humid environment, such as a refrigerator or an ice-filled cooler. Keep them alive until ready to cook by placing them in a container with damp seaweed or a wet towel. Cooked lobster meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.

How to produce

Spiny-rock lobsters are typically caught using traps or nets by professional fishermen. They require specific permits and expertise to harvest sustainably. It is not recommended for amateurs to attempt lobster fishing without proper knowledge and equipment.

Preparation tips

To prepare spiny-rock lobsters, they can be boiled, steamed, grilled, or baked. The meat can be enjoyed on its own, dipped in butter, or used in various seafood dishes such as lobster rolls, bisques, or pasta. The shells can be used to make flavorful stocks and sauces.


Crabs or prawns can be used as substitutes for spiny-rock lobsters, as they have a similar sweet and delicate flavor. However, the texture and cooking times may vary.

Culinary uses

Spiny-rock lobsters are highly valued in seafood cuisine and are commonly used in dishes such as lobster bisque, lobster rolls, grilled lobster tails, and lobster pasta. They are a luxurious ingredient that adds elegance and flavor to any seafood dish.


Spiny-rock lobsters are commonly available in coastal regions around the world, including the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia and Australia.