Mixed vegetables soup, with puree or pieces


Mixed vegetables soup, with puree or pieces

A Symphony of Garden Goodness

Mixed vegetables soup is a hearty and nutritious dish made by combining a variety of vegetables in a flavorful broth. The vegetables can be either pureed or left in bite-sized pieces, depending on personal preference. This soup is a great way to use up leftover vegetables and can be customized with different herbs and spices to suit individual tastes.

Jan Dec
A harmonious blend of flavors and textures, with each vegetable contributing its unique taste and characteristics to the overall profile of the soup.

Origins and history

The concept of mixed vegetables soup can be traced back to ancient times when people would combine whatever vegetables were available to create a nourishing and filling meal. Throughout history, different cultures have developed their own versions of vegetable soups, incorporating local ingredients and flavors. Today, mixed vegetables soup is enjoyed worldwide for its versatility and health benefits.

Nutritional information

Mixed vegetables soup is a low-calorie and nutrient-dense dish, providing a good amount of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is particularly rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. The exact nutritional content may vary depending on the specific vegetables used in the soup.


Mixed vegetables soup does not contain any known allergens. However, individuals with specific vegetable allergies should avoid ingredients that may trigger an allergic reaction.

How to select

When selecting vegetables for mixed vegetables soup, choose fresh produce that is firm, vibrant in color, and free from blemishes or signs of decay. Opt for a variety of vegetables to create a diverse flavor profile and ensure a balance of textures. Organic or locally sourced vegetables are often preferred for their superior taste and nutritional value.

Storage recommendations

Leftover mixed vegetables soup can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. To extend its shelf life, the soup can be frozen in individual portions and thawed when needed. Make sure to cool the soup completely before storing or freezing to maintain its quality.

How to produce

Mixed vegetables soup can be easily prepared at home by simmering the vegetables in a pot with broth or water until they are tender. The soup can then be pureed using a blender or left chunky for a heartier texture. Experiment with different herbs, spices, or seasonings to enhance the flavor of the soup.

Preparation tips

Mixed vegetables soup can be enjoyed as a standalone dish, served with crusty bread or crackers. It can also be used as a base for other recipes, such as vegetable pot pie, pasta sauce, or as a filling for savory pies. The versatility of mixed vegetables soup allows for endless culinary possibilities.

Culinary uses

Mixed vegetables soup is a popular dish in many cuisines around the world. It is commonly available in restaurants, cafes, and food establishments that offer soups or vegetarian options. Additionally, pre-packaged or canned versions of mixed vegetables soup can be found in grocery stores and supermarkets.