Poultry edible offal, non-muscle, other than liver and kidney


Poultry edible offal, non-muscle, other than liver and kidney

The Offal Delicacy

Poultry edible offal, such as gizzards, hearts, and intestines, offers a range of textures and flavors. They can be tender, chewy, or creamy, depending on the specific organ. When cooked properly, they add a savory and robust element to various recipes.

Poultry edible offal has a savory and rich flavor profile, with some organs having a slightly gamey taste. The textures can vary from tender to chewy, providing a unique culinary experience.

Origins and history

The consumption of poultry offal has a long history, with different cultures incorporating these ingredients into their traditional cuisines. They are often considered delicacies and are used in dishes such as pâtés, stews, and soups.

Nutritional information

Poultry offal is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, including iron and zinc. However, it is also higher in cholesterol compared to lean muscle meat.


Individuals with poultry allergies should avoid consuming poultry edible offal. Additionally, some people may have an aversion to the taste or texture of offal.

How to select

When selecting poultry edible offal, choose organs that are fresh, firm, and free from any unpleasant odor. Avoid any offal that appears discolored or slimy.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness of poultry edible offal, store it in the refrigerator at a temperature below 40°F (4°C). Use it within a few days or freeze it for longer-term storage.

How to produce

Poultry edible offal can be produced by raising poultry and properly processing the organs. However, it requires specific knowledge and expertise in poultry farming and butchery.

Preparation tips

Before cooking poultry offal, it is essential to clean and trim them properly. Different organs require specific cooking techniques, such as braising, grilling, or frying, to achieve the desired texture and flavor. They can be used in various dishes, including stews, stir-fries, and pâtés.

Culinary uses

Poultry edible offal is commonly used in dishes such as pâtés, terrines, stews, and soups. They add depth and richness to these preparations, enhancing the overall flavor profile.


Poultry edible offal is commonly available in many countries around the world, including the United States, France, China, and Brazil.