Horse meat, dried


Horse meat, dried

Dried Horse Meat: A Unique Protein Source

Dried horse meat is characterized by its deep red color, lean texture, and rich umami flavor. It is often used in dishes that require a robust meaty taste, such as stews, jerky, or sausages. The drying process enhances its flavor and extends its shelf life.

Dried horse meat offers a rich umami flavor with a slightly gamey undertone, making it a unique protein source for adventurous eaters.

Origins and history

The consumption of horse meat dates back thousands of years and has been prevalent in many cultures, including Central Asia, Europe, and parts of South America. It has been a traditional food source for nomadic tribes and has cultural significance in certain regions.

Nutritional information

Dried horse meat is a good source of high-quality protein, essential amino acids, iron, and vitamin B12. It is relatively low in fat and calories compared to other meats.


Individuals with allergies to other meats, such as beef or pork, may also be allergic to horse meat. It is important to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional if unsure.

How to select

When purchasing dried horse meat, look for reputable suppliers that adhere to strict quality standards. Ensure that the meat is properly dried, free from any signs of spoilage, and stored in airtight packaging to maintain its freshness.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the quality of dried horse meat, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It is best to keep it in airtight packaging or vacuum-sealed bags to prevent moisture absorption and extend its shelf life.

How to produce

Producing dried horse meat requires specialized knowledge and facilities. It is not recommended for amateur production due to the complexities involved in the drying process and ensuring food safety.

Preparation tips

Dried horse meat can be rehydrated by soaking it in water or broth before incorporating it into recipes. It can be used in stews, soups, stir-fries, or even as a topping for salads or pizzas. It pairs well with robust flavors and spices.

Culinary uses

Dried horse meat is commonly used in traditional dishes of certain cultures, such as Kazakhstan's beshbarmak or Italy's bresaola. It can also be used as a substitute for other dried meats in recipes that call for a rich, gamey flavor.


Dried horse meat is more commonly available in regions where its consumption is culturally accepted, such as Central Asia and parts of Europe. It may be challenging to find in mainstream supermarkets or grocery stores in Western countries.