Mullet roe


Mullet roe

The Delicacy of the Sea

Mullet roe, or bottarga, is a delicacy that is made by salting and curing the roe of mullet fish. It has a firm texture and a rich, briny flavor that is often compared to umami. The roe is typically dried and then grated or sliced thinly before being used in various dishes. Mullet roe is commonly found in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines, where it is used as a seasoning or garnish to enhance the flavor of pasta, salads, and seafood dishes.

Jan Dec
Rich, briny, umami

Origins and history

The tradition of making mullet roe dates back centuries and is deeply rooted in Mediterranean and Asian cultures. It is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and was later adopted by the Greeks and Romans. Mullet roe was highly valued for its long shelf life and nutritional benefits, making it a valuable food source for sailors and travelers. Today, it is still considered a delicacy in many countries, including Italy, Greece, Japan, and Turkey.

Nutritional information

Mullet roe is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A and D. It is also low in carbohydrates and cholesterol. However, due to its high salt content, it should be consumed in moderation, especially for individuals with high blood pressure or kidney problems.


There are no known allergens associated with mullet roe.

How to select

When selecting mullet roe, look for firm, intact roe sacs that are free from any signs of spoilage or discoloration. The roe should have a vibrant orange or reddish color. It is best to purchase mullet roe from reputable sources that specialize in seafood products.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of mullet roe, it should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, it is best to keep it refrigerated in an airtight container to prevent moisture absorption and maintain its flavor. Mullet roe can be grated or thinly sliced just before use to preserve its texture and aroma.

How to produce

Mullet roe is typically produced by professional fishermen or specialized producers. It involves the careful extraction of the roe sacs from mullet fish, followed by a process of salting and curing. The roe is then dried and aged to develop its unique flavor and texture. Producing mullet roe requires expertise and specialized equipment.

Preparation tips

Mullet roe, or bottarga, is commonly used as a seasoning or garnish in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. It can be grated over pasta dishes, such as spaghetti or linguine, to add a rich, briny flavor. Mullet roe can also be thinly sliced and served with bread, olive oil, and lemon as a simple yet elegant appetizer. Additionally, it can be used to enhance the flavor of seafood dishes, salads, and even scrambled eggs.

Culinary uses

Mullet roe, or bottarga, is commonly used in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. It is a popular ingredient in Italian, Greek, Turkish, and Japanese dishes.


Mullet roe is commonly available in Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, Greece, and Turkey, as well as in Asian countries like Japan.