European buffalo milk


European buffalo milk

The Creamy Elixir of Europe

European buffalo milk is known for its high fat content and creamy texture, making it ideal for producing rich cheeses, gelato, or creamy sauces. It has a distinct flavor that is slightly sweeter and more robust than cow's milk.

Jan Dec
Creamy and indulgent, European buffalo milk offers a slightly sweet and robust flavor with a velvety mouthfeel. Its high fat content contributes to its rich and luxurious texture, perfect for creating decadent dairy products.

Origins and history

Buffalo milk has been consumed for centuries in regions like Italy, Bulgaria, and Romania. It is particularly renowned for its use in traditional Italian mozzarella di bufala, a soft and creamy cheese highly prized for its delicate flavor and texture.

Nutritional information

European buffalo milk is a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D. Its higher fat content provides a richer source of energy compared to cow's milk.


European buffalo milk may contain lactose, making it unsuitable for individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. However, some people with lactose intolerance find buffalo milk easier to digest due to its different composition compared to cow's milk.

How to select

When selecting European buffalo milk, look for products that are fresh and have a creamy consistency. Opt for organic or grass-fed options for a higher quality product. Check the expiration date and ensure proper storage conditions.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of European buffalo milk, store it in the refrigerator at a temperature between 32°F and 39°F (0°C and 4°C). Consume it within the recommended shelf life stated on the packaging.

How to produce

Producing European buffalo milk requires specialized knowledge and facilities, as water buffalo are not as commonly raised as dairy cows. It is typically done by experienced farmers or dedicated buffalo milk producers.

Preparation tips

European buffalo milk can be used to make a variety of dairy products, including cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, or blue cheese. It is also a popular choice for producing gelato, creamy desserts, or rich sauces.


Cow's milk can be used as a substitute for European buffalo milk in most recipes, although the flavor and texture may differ. However, certain buffalo milk cheeses like mozzarella di bufala have no direct substitute due to their unique characteristics.

Culinary uses

European buffalo milk is commonly used in Italian cuisine, particularly in the production of mozzarella di bufala. It is also used in gelato, creamy desserts, and sauces in various European countries.


European buffalo milk is primarily available in regions where water buffalo are raised for dairy production, such as Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, and parts of Eastern Europe.