


Bourride is a dish that is typically made with white fish such as cod or haddock, as well as vegetables such as onions, leeks, and tomatoes. The fish is first poached in a broth made from fish stock, white wine, garlic, and saffron. The vegetables are then added to the broth and the mixture is simmered until the fish is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. The dish is typically served with a garlic and saffron-infused mayonnaise called aioli.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Bourride originated in the Provence region of France and has been a popular dish since the Middle Ages. It was originally made with monkfish, but has since been adapted to include a variety of white fish.

Dietary considerations

Bourride is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains fish. It is also not suitable for those with lactose intolerance as the aioli contains mayonnaise.


There are many variations of Bourride, some of which include adding additional vegetables such as fennel or bell peppers. Some recipes also call for the addition of shellfish such as mussels or clams to the stew.

Presentation and garnishing

Bourride is typically served in a bowl with the fish and vegetables on the bottom and the aioli on top. It is often garnished with chopped parsley or chives.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish even more flavorful, try adding a splash of Pernod or other anise-flavored liqueur to the broth.


Bourride is typically served with a side of crusty bread or a simple salad. It can also be served with a side of roasted potatoes.

Drink pairings

Bourride pairs well with a dry white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay.