Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise


Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise

Lyonnaise-Style Veal Liver

Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise is made by slicing veal liver into thin pieces and frying it with onions until it is cooked through. The liver is typically seasoned with salt and pepper, and can be served with a variety of side dishes, including boiled potatoes, roasted vegetables, or a light salad. This dish is high in protein and iron, but may be high in fat and cholesterol depending on the cooking method.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise originated in Lyon, France, and has been a popular dish in French cuisine for centuries. It is often served as a hearty main course, and is typically enjoyed with a glass of red wine.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans, and may not be suitable for those with liver or cholesterol issues. It is also not gluten-free, as it is typically served with potatoes or bread.


There are many variations of this dish, including foie de veau à la bordelaise, which is made with red wine and bacon. Some recipes also call for the addition of mushrooms or other flavorings.

Presentation and garnishing

This dish should be presented on a large plate or platter, and can be garnished with fresh herbs or vegetables. It is important to cook the liver until it is fully cooked through, as undercooked liver can be dangerous to consume.

Tips & Tricks

To make this dish even more flavorful, try adding bacon or other seasonings to the liver while it is cooking. You can also experiment with different types of vegetables or side dishes to serve with the liver.


This dish can be served with a variety of side dishes, including boiled potatoes, roasted vegetables, or a light salad. It is also often served with bread or crackers.

Drink pairings

Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise is typically enjoyed with a glass of red wine, which pairs well with the rich and flavorful flavors of the dish.