Cheese, podlaski


Cheese, podlaski

The Delightful Polish Cheese

Podlaski cheese is a soft, creamy cheese that is made from cow's milk. It has a pale yellow color and a smooth, velvety texture. The flavor of Podlaski cheese is mild and slightly tangy, with a hint of sweetness. Its appearance is characterized by a round shape and a thin, edible rind.

Mild and slightly tangy with a hint of sweetness.

Origins and history

Podlaski cheese has a long history in Poland and is named after the Podlaskie Voivodeship, a region in northeastern Poland. It is believed to have been produced since the 16th century and is deeply rooted in Polish culinary traditions. This cheese is often enjoyed on its own or used as a filling in pierogi, a popular Polish dumpling dish.

Nutritional information

Podlaski cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. A 1-ounce (28g) serving of Podlaski cheese provides approximately 80 calories.


Contains milk.

How to select

When selecting Podlaski cheese, look for a cheese that is soft and creamy, without any signs of mold or discoloration. The cheese should have a fresh, slightly tangy aroma. Avoid cheeses that are overly dry or have a strong, unpleasant smell.

Storage recommendations

To keep Podlaski cheese fresh, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. It is best consumed within a few days of purchase to enjoy its optimal flavor and texture.

Preparation tips

Podlaski cheese can be enjoyed on its own as a snack or used as a filling in pierogi, a traditional Polish dumpling dish. It can also be melted over grilled sandwiches or added to salads for a creamy touch. When cooking with Podlaski cheese, avoid high heat to prevent it from becoming rubbery.


Farmer cheese, queso fresco, cottage cheese

Culinary uses

Podlaski cheese is commonly used in Polish cuisine, particularly in dishes like pierogi, naleśniki (Polish crepes), and cheese-filled pastries. It is also a popular ingredient in Polish cheesecakes and desserts.


Podlaski cheese is primarily available in Poland and neighboring countries. It can be found in local markets, supermarkets, and specialty cheese shops in the region.