Onion soup, dry


Onion soup, dry

The Savory Elixir: Unveiling the Delights of Dry Onion Soup

Dry onion soup is a powdered mix made from dehydrated onions, herbs, and spices. It is commonly used to make onion soup by simply adding water and simmering. The mix can also be used as a seasoning for roasted meats, vegetables, or as a base for flavorful dips and dressings. Dry onion soup imparts a rich and savory taste to dishes, enhancing their overall flavor profile.

Jan Dec
Rich, savory, and aromatic.

Origins and history

Onion soup has a long history and is believed to have originated in France. It gained popularity in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s when convenience foods became more prevalent. Dry onion soup mix was introduced as a quick and easy way to add flavor to dishes. Today, it is a staple in many kitchens and is used in a variety of recipes.

Nutritional information

Dry onion soup mix is low in calories and fat. It is a good source of flavor and can enhance the taste of dishes without adding significant nutritional value. The exact nutritional content may vary depending on the specific brand and recipe used.


May contain gluten and traces of other allergens depending on the specific brand and recipe used.

How to select

When selecting dry onion soup, look for reputable brands that use high-quality ingredients. Read the label to ensure that the mix does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives. Consider your dietary needs and preferences, such as gluten-free or organic options, when choosing a product.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and flavor of dry onion soup, store it in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct sunlight. An airtight container or resealable bag is ideal for preserving its quality. Proper storage will help prevent clumping and maintain the integrity of the mix.

How to produce

Dry onion soup mix is produced by dehydrating onions and combining them with herbs and spices. The mix can be made at home by dehydrating onions in a low-temperature oven or using a food dehydrator. Once the onions are dried, they can be ground into a powder and mixed with other seasonings, such as garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Store the mix in an airtight container for future use.

Preparation tips

To prepare onion soup, simply mix the dry onion soup mix with water and simmer until the flavors meld together. For a more robust flavor, sauté onions in butter or oil before adding the soup mix and water. The soup can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for other dishes, such as French onion dip or as a flavoring for roasted meats and vegetables. Experiment with different variations by adding additional herbs, spices, or ingredients like cheese or croutons.

Culinary uses

Dry onion soup is commonly used to make onion soup, a classic French dish. It can also be used as a seasoning for roasted meats, vegetables, or as a base for flavorful dips and dressings. French onion dip, made by combining the soup mix with sour cream or yogurt, is a popular party appetizer. The mix can also be sprinkled on top of casseroles or used as a seasoning for roasted potatoes or grilled meats.


Dry onion soup mix is widely available in supermarkets and grocery stores. It can be found in the soup aisle or the section dedicated to seasonings and spices.