Peas shoots and sprouts


Peas shoots and sprouts

The Green Delicacy

Peas shoots and sprouts are young, edible greens that are harvested from pea plants. They have a delicate texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. The shoots are slender and leafy, while the sprouts are small and have a crunchy texture. Both are characterized by their vibrant green color, which adds visual appeal to dishes.

Mild, slightly sweet

Origins and history

Peas shoots and sprouts have been consumed for centuries and are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. They have long been used in Asian cuisines, particularly in Chinese and Thai cooking. Peas shoots and sprouts are valued for their nutritional content and are considered a healthy addition to meals.

Nutritional information

Peas shoots and sprouts are low in calories and rich in vitamins A, C, and K. They also provide dietary fiber and are a good source of antioxidants. Additionally, they contain minerals such as iron and calcium.

How to select

When selecting peas shoots and sprouts, look for fresh, vibrant greens with crisp leaves or sprouts. Avoid any signs of wilting or discoloration. Opt for organically grown varieties to minimize exposure to pesticides and other chemicals.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness of peas shoots and sprouts, store them in a plastic bag or container lined with a damp paper towel. Keep them refrigerated and use within a few days to ensure optimal flavor and texture.

How to produce

Peas shoots and sprouts can be easily grown at home using seeds or purchased from specialty grocery stores or farmers markets. They require minimal space and can be grown in containers or small gardens. Regular watering and adequate sunlight are essential for their growth.

Preparation tips

Peas shoots and sprouts can be enjoyed raw in salads, added to stir-fries, or used as a topping for sandwiches and wraps. They can also be lightly sautéed or blanched for a more tender texture. Avoid overcooking, as it can result in a loss of flavor and nutrients.

Culinary uses

Peas shoots and sprouts are commonly used in Asian cuisines, particularly in stir-fries, soups, and salads. They add a fresh and crunchy element to dishes and pair well with ingredients like garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil.


Peas shoots and sprouts are commonly available in Asian grocery stores, specialty food stores, and farmers markets. They are cultivated in various regions, including China, Thailand, and the United States.