Pain de mie


Pain de mie

Pain de mie is made from flour, yeast, salt, sugar, milk, and butter. The dough is shaped into a loaf and baked in a special pan that gives it a square shape. The bread has a soft, fine crumb and a slightly sweet flavor. Pain de mie is commonly used for making sandwiches, such as croque-monsieur and tuna salad sandwiches. It can also be served with butter or jam for breakfast or as a side dish for soups and stews.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pain de mie originated in France and is a staple in French cuisine. It is believed to have been introduced in the 19th century as a response to the popularity of sliced bread in the United States. The bread is similar to other French breads, such as baguettes and boules, but has a softer texture and a more delicate flavor.

Dietary considerations

Pain de mie is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.


There are many variations of pain de mie, including pain de mie with whole wheat flour, which is made with a mixture of white and whole wheat flour. Some variations also include herbs and spices in the dough.

Presentation and garnishing

Pain de mie is traditionally served sliced and toasted. It is often garnished with fresh herbs or sliced vegetables.

Tips & Tricks

To keep pain de mie fresh, store it in a paper bag at room temperature for up to two days. To reheat, wrap it in foil and place it in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.


Pain de mie is commonly served with sandwiches, such as croque-monsieur and tuna salad sandwiches. It can also be used for making French toast and bread pudding.

Drink pairings

Pain de mie pairs well with French wines, such as Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. It can also be served with coffee or hot chocolate.