Cheese, evora


Cheese, evora

Evora: A Portuguese Delight

Cheese, evora is a semi-hard cheese made from sheep's milk and aged for a minimum of 60 days. It has a smooth and creamy texture with a slightly tangy and nutty flavor. The cheese is often coated in a protective layer of paprika, which adds a vibrant color and a hint of smokiness to the overall experience.

Jan Dec
With its slightly tangy and nutty flavor, cheese, evora offers a delightful balance of creaminess and richness. The addition of paprika enhances the overall taste, providing a subtle smokiness that lingers on the palate.

Origins and history

Cheese, evora originates from the Alentejo region of Portugal, known for its pastoral landscapes and traditional cheese-making techniques. The cheese has been produced for centuries, with each wheel reflecting the expertise and dedication of the local cheesemakers.

Nutritional information

Cheese, evora is a good source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. It also contains essential vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin B12. However, it is high in saturated fat and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

How to select

When selecting cheese, evora, look for wheels that have a smooth and intact rind. The cheese should feel firm to the touch but yield slightly when pressed. Avoid cheeses with an overly strong smell or signs of mold. Opt for artisanal or traditional varieties for an authentic taste experience.

Storage recommendations

To preserve the quality and flavor of cheese, evora, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in wax paper or aluminum foil. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption. Bring the cheese to room temperature before serving to enhance its flavors.

How to produce

Cheese, evora is typically produced by skilled cheesemakers using traditional methods that require specialized equipment and aging facilities. However, with the right resources and knowledge, it is possible for enthusiasts to produce small batches of this cheese at home.

Preparation tips

Cheese, evora can be enjoyed on its own, paired with crusty bread and olives, or incorporated into various dishes. It melts beautifully, making it a great addition to grilled sandwiches, omelets, or pasta dishes. It can also be grated and used as a topping for soups or salads.

Culinary uses

Cheese, evora is commonly available in Portugal, particularly in the Alentejo region where it is produced. It can also be found in specialty cheese shops or gourmet markets that offer a selection of international cheeses.