Liquorice mass


Liquorice mass

The Bold and Bittersweet Delight

Liquorice mass is a dark, sticky substance with a strong, bittersweet flavor. It has a chewy and slightly waxy texture that adds a satisfying bite to candies and confections. Made from the root of the liquorice plant, this ingredient has been enjoyed for centuries and is a popular choice in many cultures around the world.

Jan Dec
Bold and bittersweet with a chewy texture.

Origins and history

Liquorice has a long history that dates back to ancient times. It was originally cultivated in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, where it was highly valued for its medicinal properties and used as a natural sweetener. Liquorice mass has been used in traditional candies and confections in countries like Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom for centuries. Today, it continues to be a beloved ingredient in various sweet treats and desserts.

Nutritional information

Liquorice mass is low in calories and fat, but it is high in sugar. It also contains certain compounds that may have potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, it should be consumed in moderation due to its high sugar content. People with high blood pressure or certain medical conditions should also exercise caution when consuming liquorice products.


May contain traces of wheat or gluten.

How to select

When purchasing liquorice mass, look for a high-quality product from a reputable brand. It should have a rich, dark color and a soft, pliable texture. Avoid liquorice mass that appears dry, brittle, or has an off-putting odor. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its freshness and prevent it from hardening.

Storage recommendations

Liquorice mass should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing it to moisture or extreme temperatures, as this can cause it to become sticky or lose its texture. Properly stored liquorice mass can last for several months.

Preparation tips

Liquorice mass is primarily used in the production of candies, confections, and traditional liquorice treats. It can be melted down and combined with other ingredients to create a variety of sweet delights, such as liquorice candies, liquorice ropes, and liquorice-flavored chocolates. It can also be used as a flavoring agent in ice creams, baked goods, and beverages.


Liquorice mass is commonly available in countries like Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. It can also be found in specialty stores or online retailers that cater to candy-making enthusiasts.