Beondegi Soup


Beondegi Soup

Silkworm Pupa Soup

Beondegi soup is made by boiling silkworm pupae in a broth made with soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings. The pupae are then strained out and the broth is served hot. The soup has a strong, earthy flavor and a slightly chewy texture. It is often served as a snack or appetizer in Korea. While some people may find the idea of eating silkworm pupae unappetizing, they are actually a good source of protein and other nutrients.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Beondegi soup has been a popular street food in Korea for centuries. It is believed to have originated during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), when silkworm pupae were a common food source. Today, it is still a popular snack in Korea and can be found at street vendors and markets throughout the country.

Dietary considerations

Beondegi soup is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. It may also not be suitable for those with shellfish allergies, as the pupae are similar in protein structure to shellfish.


There are many variations of beondegi soup, with different regions and vendors using different seasonings and cooking methods. Some versions may include vegetables or other ingredients in the broth.

Presentation and garnishing

Beondegi soup is typically served in a small bowl or cup, garnished with chopped green onions or other herbs.

Tips & Tricks

To enhance the flavor of beondegi soup, try adding a splash of vinegar or a squeeze of lemon juice before serving.


Beondegi soup is often served with a side of rice or other grains. It can also be served with kimchi or other pickled vegetables.

Drink pairings

Beondegi soup pairs well with light, refreshing drinks such as green tea or barley tea.