Brunede kartofler


Brunede kartofler

Caramelized Potatoes

Brunede kartofler is made by boiling small potatoes until tender, then coating them in a mixture of sugar and butter and caramelizing them in a pan. The result is a sweet and crispy potato dish that is perfect for the holidays.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Brunede kartofler has been a part of Danish cuisine for centuries. It is a popular dish during Christmas and other special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Brunede kartofler is a vegetarian and gluten-free dish. It is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance if the recipe does not call for the addition of cream or butter.


There are no significant variations of Brunede kartofler, as the recipe is quite simple. However, some recipes call for the addition of chopped herbs or spices for added flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Brunede kartofler can be garnished with chopped parsley or chives for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make Brunede kartofler, be sure to use small and firm potatoes. It is also important to watch the sugar and butter mixture carefully to prevent burning.


Brunede kartofler is usually served as a side dish with meat or fish. It can also be served with a salad or roasted vegetables.

Drink pairings

Brunede kartofler pairs well with Danish beers, such as Carlsberg or Tuborg. It can also be served with a glass of red wine or a shot of aquavit.