Colonial Goose


Colonial Goose

Colonial Goose is made by stuffing a leg of lamb with breadcrumbs, herbs, and spices, and then roasting it in the oven until it is cooked to perfection. The result is a tender and flavorful dish that is perfect for a special occasion. Colonial Goose is typically served with roasted vegetables and a glass of red wine.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Colonial Goose is a traditional Australian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the early days of the colony, when fresh meat was scarce and cooks had to be creative with the ingredients they had on hand. Today, Colonial Goose is a favorite among Australian chefs and food lovers around the world.

Dietary considerations

Colonial Goose is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. It is also high in protein and fat, so it should be consumed in moderation by those with health concerns.


There are many variations of Colonial Goose, depending on the region of Australia. Some recipes call for the meat to be marinated in wine or vinegar before stuffing, while others use different herbs and spices. Some people also like to serve Colonial Goose with other side dishes, such as roasted potatoes or pumpkin.

Presentation and garnishing

Colonial Goose is typically served on a large platter, with the meat arranged in a decorative pattern. The roasted vegetables are often placed around the edges of the platter, and the side dishes are served in separate bowls. Fresh herbs, such as thyme or rosemary, can be used as a garnish.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the meat is tender and flavorful, it is important to use high-quality lamb. The breadcrumbs, herbs, and spices should be mixed together and stuffed into the meat several hours before cooking to allow the flavors to penetrate. It is also important to roast the meat at a low temperature for a long time, to ensure that it is cooked evenly throughout.


Roasted vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, and onions, are the traditional side dishes served with Colonial Goose. Some people also like to serve it with other vegetables, such as green beans or asparagus.

Drink pairings

Colonial Goose is typically served with a glass of red wine, such as Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon. Beer can also be a good pairing, especially if the dish is served with spicy peppers or other condiments.