


Farata is a flaky and buttery flatbread that is perfect for soaking up the flavors of a spicy curry. The dough is made by mixing flour, water, and oil, and then kneading it until it is smooth and elastic. The dough is then rolled out into thin circles, brushed with oil, and folded into a square. The square is then rolled out again and cooked on a hot griddle until it is golden brown and crispy. Farata is usually served hot with a spicy curry or chutney.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Farata originated in India and was brought to Mauritius by Indian immigrants. It is now a popular street food in Mauritius and is also served in restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Farata is vegetarian and can be made vegan by using oil instead of butter. It is also gluten-free if made with a gluten-free flour.


Farata can be made with different types of flour, such as whole wheat or chickpea flour. It can also be stuffed with vegetables or meat to make a more substantial meal.

Presentation and garnishing

Farata can be presented folded into a triangle or square, and garnished with fresh herbs or spices.

Tips & Tricks

To make the flakiest farata, be sure to brush each layer with oil before folding and rolling it out. Also, be sure to cook it on a hot griddle to get a crispy crust.


Farata is usually served with a spicy curry or chutney, but it can also be served with a cooling raita or yogurt dip.

Drink pairings

Farata pairs well with a cold beer or a sweet lassi.