


Grilled eel with rice

Hitsumabushi is a popular Japanese dish that is made by grilling eel and serving it over a bed of rice. The eel is seasoned with a sweet and savory sauce made from soy sauce, sugar, and mirin, and then grilled until it is tender and slightly charred. The dish is then served with a variety of toppings, including green onions, wasabi, and nori.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Hitsumabushi originated in the Nagoya region of Japan. It is a popular dish in the region and is often served at restaurants and at home.

Dietary considerations

High in protein


There are many variations of hitsumabushi, some of which use different types of eel or different seasonings for the sauce. Some recipes also call for the addition of vegetables like cucumber or avocado to the dish.

Presentation and garnishing

Hitsumabushi is typically served in a large bowl with the eel arranged on top of the rice. The dish is garnished with fresh herbs and sometimes sliced vegetables.

Tips & Tricks

To enjoy hitsumabushi in the traditional way, divide the dish into four portions and eat each portion in a different way: plain, with toppings, with broth, and then with more toppings.


Hitsumabushi is often served with a side of pickled vegetables or a simple salad.

Drink pairings

A light beer or a crisp white wine like a Pinot Grigio pairs well with hitsumabushi.