Limerick Ham


Limerick Ham

Limerick ham is a cured and smoked ham that is typically served with a sweet glaze. The ham is first soaked in water to remove excess salt, and then it is boiled until tender. The glaze is made with brown sugar, mustard, and other spices, and it is brushed onto the ham before it is baked in the oven. The result is a tender and flavorful ham that is perfect for any special occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Limerick ham is named after the city of Limerick in Ireland, where it was first made. It has been a popular dish in Ireland for centuries, and it is often served at holiday meals and special occasions.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans due to the use of ham. It is also high in sodium and fat, so it may not be suitable for those with certain dietary restrictions or health concerns.


There are many variations of Limerick ham, including using different glazes or adding herbs and spices to the ham before it is baked. Some people also like to serve it with a variety of side dishes, such as roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes.

Presentation and garnishing

Limerick ham can be presented in a variety of ways, including on a platter or on individual plates. It is often garnished with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of black pepper.

Tips & Tricks

To make this dish even more flavorful, try adding cloves or other spices to the water when boiling the ham.


Limerick ham is often served with a sweet glaze, but it can also be served with a savory sauce or gravy. Popular side dishes include roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or a simple salad.

Drink pairings

This dish pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, cider, or a full-bodied red wine.