


Proziaki are made using a sourdough starter, flour, water, and salt. The dough is rolled out into thin circles and cooked on a griddle. The bread has a slightly sour flavor and a chewy texture. It is often served with butter and cheese. Proziaki are a great option for those who are looking for a traditional Polish bread recipe.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Proziaki originated in Poland and have been a popular bread in the country for centuries. They were traditionally made using a sourdough starter, which was passed down from generation to generation. Today, proziaki are still a popular bread in Poland and are often served with traditional Polish dishes.

Dietary considerations

Proziaki are a good option for those who are on a low-sodium diet, as they do not contain a lot of salt. They are also a good option for those who are lactose intolerant, as they can be made without cheese.


There are many variations of proziaki, including those that are made with different types of flour and those that are flavored with herbs and spices.

Presentation and garnishing

Proziaki can be presented in a rustic manner, with a simple dusting of flour on top. They can also be garnished with herbs or seeds for added flavor and texture.

Tips & Tricks

When making proziaki, it is important to use a sourdough starter that is active and healthy. This will ensure that the bread has a good flavor and texture.


Proziaki are often served with butter and cheese. They can also be served with soup or stew.

Drink pairings

Proziaki pairs well with beer or wine.