



Česnica is made using flour, yeast, salt, water, and sometimes milk and eggs. The dough is shaped into a round loaf and is decorated with symbols that represent good luck. The bread has a soft texture and a slightly sweet flavor. It is often served with honey or jam. Česnica is a great option for those who are looking for a traditional Serbian bread recipe.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Česnica originated in Serbia and has been a traditional bread for Christmas for centuries. The bread is often baked on Christmas Eve and is believed to bring good luck to the household. The symbols on the bread represent different things, such as health, wealth, and happiness. Today, Česnica is still a popular bread in Serbia and is often served during the Christmas season.

Dietary considerations

Česnica is a good option for those who are on a low-sodium diet, as it does not contain a lot of salt. It is also a good option for those who are lactose intolerant, as it can be made without milk and eggs.


There are many variations of Česnica, including those that are made with different types of flour and those that are flavored with herbs and spices.

Presentation and garnishing

Česnica is traditionally decorated with symbols that represent good luck. The symbols are made using dough and are placed on top of the bread before it is baked.

Tips & Tricks

When making Česnica, it is important to let the dough rise properly. This will ensure that the bread has a soft texture and a good flavor.


Česnica is often served with honey or jam. It can also be served with cheese or as a side to soup or stew.

Drink pairings

Česnica pairs well with wine or brandy.