


Schneeballen are made with a crunchy pastry shell that is filled with a sweet and nutty filling. The filling is made with ground nuts, sugar, and cinnamon, which are cooked together until thick and sticky. The pastry shell is made with flour, butter, and eggs, and is rolled out thinly before being filled with the nut mixture. The pastries are then baked until golden brown and served dusted with powdered sugar.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Schneeballen have been a traditional pastry in Germany for centuries. They are often served during the Christmas season, and are a popular treat for children and adults alike.

Dietary considerations

Contains nuts and gluten


There are no major variations of Schneeballen, but some bakers may add a touch of vanilla or almond extract to the filling for added flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Schneeballen are typically served on a small plate or saucer, and are often garnished with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or a small piece of nut. To make the pastries look even more festive, they can be served on a bed of fresh holly or other Christmas greens.

Tips & Tricks

To make the pastry shell extra crunchy, use a mixture of flour and cornstarch when making the dough. This will give it a delicious crunchiness.


Schneeballen are typically served as a dessert, but they can also be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Coffee or tea