


Spread is a dish that can be made with a variety of ingredients, such as cheese, vegetables, or beans. It is a versatile dish that can be served as an appetizer or a snack, and it is perfect for parties and gatherings. The dish is often served with crackers or bread, and it can be customized to suit your taste. Spread is a very healthy and nutritious dish, as it is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is also a great source of protein, depending on the ingredients that you use.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Spread is a dish that has been enjoyed for centuries, and it is popular in many different cultures. The dish originated in the Middle East, where it was made with chickpeas and tahini. Today, there are many variations of spread, and it is enjoyed all over the world.

Dietary considerations

Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free


There are many variations of spread, and you can add or subtract ingredients to suit your taste. Some people like to add cheese or yogurt to the spread, while others prefer to keep it vegan. You can also vary the type of vegetables that you use, or add different spices depending on what you like. Some people like to add a splash of lemon juice to the spread, while others prefer to leave it out. The possibilities are endless!

Presentation and garnishing

Spread can be presented in many different ways, depending on the ingredients that you use. You can serve it in a bowl, or spread it on a platter. You can also garnish the spread with fresh herbs or chopped vegetables, to make it look more appetizing. Serve the spread with crackers, bread, or vegetables for a complete snack or appetizer.

Tips & Tricks

To make the spread more flavorful, try roasting the vegetables before adding them to the dish. This will bring out their natural sweetness and add depth to the spread. You can also add a pinch of smoked paprika or cumin to the spread, which will add a rich, smoky flavor. Finally, be sure to taste the spread before serving, and adjust the seasoning as needed with salt and pepper.


Crackers, bread, vegetables

Drink pairings

Wine, beer, cocktails