Cheese, monje picon


Cheese, monje picon

The Fiery Spanish Delight

Monje picon cheese is a traditional Spanish cheese made from cow's milk. It is aged for several months, resulting in a firm and crumbly texture. The cheese is known for its intense and spicy flavor, which is derived from the addition of hot peppers during the cheese-making process. It has a reddish-orange rind and a creamy yellow interior with small air pockets.

Bold and spicy with a hint of heat.

Origins and history

Monje picon cheese originates from the region of Asturias in northern Spain. It has a long history and is deeply rooted in the local culinary traditions. The cheese-making process involves blending cow's milk with hot peppers, giving it a distinctive fiery taste. Monje picon cheese is often enjoyed with bread or used as a flavorful ingredient in various Spanish dishes.

Nutritional information

Monje picon cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. It also contains vitamins A and B12. However, it is high in sodium, so it should be consumed in moderation, especially for individuals with high blood pressure or sodium-restricted diets.


Contains milk.

How to select

When selecting monje picon cheese, look for a well-aged cheese with a reddish-orange rind. The cheese should have a firm texture and a strong aroma. Avoid cheeses with any signs of mold or spoilage. Opt for artisanal or traditional varieties for an authentic taste.

Storage recommendations

Store monje picon cheese in the refrigerator, wrapped in wax paper or parchment paper to allow it to breathe. Avoid plastic wrap, as it can trap moisture and affect the quality of the cheese. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption.

Preparation tips

Monje picon cheese can be enjoyed on its own with bread or crackers. It is also a fantastic addition to sandwiches, salads, and charcuterie boards. Grate or crumble it over pasta dishes, soups, or roasted vegetables to add a fiery kick.

Culinary uses

Monje picon cheese is commonly used in traditional Spanish dishes such as tortillas, empanadas, and stews. It is also enjoyed with bread and cured meats as part of a tapas spread. The cheese's spicy flavor adds depth and complexity to various recipes.


Monje picon cheese is primarily available in Spain, particularly in the region of Asturias where it is produced. It can also be found in specialty cheese shops or online retailers that offer a wide selection of international cheeses.