Cheese, toma piemontese


Cheese, toma piemontese

The Creamy Delight

Toma Piemontese is a semi-soft cheese with a creamy texture and a delicate flavor. It is often used in Italian cuisine, particularly in dishes like fondue, risotto, and pasta.

Toma Piemontese offers a mild and slightly nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness. Its texture is smooth and creamy, making it perfect for melting or enjoying on its own. The cheese has a pale yellow color and a slightly elastic consistency.

Origins and history

Toma Piemontese originated in the Piedmont region of Italy, where it has been produced for centuries. It holds a significant place in Italian culinary history and is deeply rooted in the local culture and traditions.

Nutritional information

Toma Piemontese is a good source of calcium and protein, while also providing essential vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin B12. It is relatively low in calories, making it a healthier choice compared to some other cheeses.


Toma Piemontese may contain lactose, so individuals with lactose intolerance should consume it with caution. Additionally, those with dairy allergies should avoid this cheese altogether.

How to select

When selecting Toma Piemontese, look for a cheese that is firm but slightly yielding to the touch. It should have a pleasant aroma and a pale yellow color. Avoid any cheese with visible mold or an overly strong smell.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of Toma Piemontese, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in wax paper or aluminum foil. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption.

How to produce

Toma Piemontese can be produced by using cow's milk and following traditional cheese-making techniques. However, it requires specific aging conditions and expertise to achieve the desired flavor and texture.

Preparation tips

Toma Piemontese can be enjoyed on a cheese platter, melted into sauces or fondues, grated over pasta or risotto, or used as a filling in sandwiches or savory pastries.

Culinary uses

Toma Piemontese is commonly used in Italian cuisine, particularly in the Piedmont region. It is a staple in dishes like fondue, risotto, and pasta. It also pairs well with fruits, nuts, and cured meats.


Toma Piemontese is primarily available in Italy, especially in the Piedmont region. However, it can also be found in specialty cheese shops or gourmet markets in other countries.