Liquid coffee concentrate


Liquid coffee concentrate

Concentrated Coffee Elixir

Liquid coffee concentrate is a highly concentrated form of brewed coffee that has been reduced to a thick, syrupy consistency. It is made by brewing coffee using a higher coffee-to-water ratio and then removing the water through evaporation or freeze-drying. This concentrated elixir offers a convenient way to enjoy the intense flavors and aromas of coffee without the need for brewing a fresh cup every time.

Intensely flavorful and aromatic.

Origins and history

The history of liquid coffee concentrate dates back to the early 20th century when it was developed as a way to provide soldiers with a quick and convenient source of coffee during World War II. Since then, it has gained popularity in the commercial sector, particularly in the foodservice industry, where it is used to prepare large quantities of coffee quickly. Today, liquid coffee concentrate is also available for home use, allowing coffee enthusiasts to enjoy a rich cup of coffee with minimal effort.

Nutritional information

Liquid coffee concentrate is a calorie-free ingredient as it does not contain any additional sweeteners or additives. Its nutritional value is primarily derived from the coffee beans used to produce it, which provide a small amount of antioxidants and caffeine.


May contain caffeine allergens.

How to select

When selecting liquid coffee concentrate, opt for reputable brands that use high-quality coffee beans and have a good reputation for flavor and quality. Consider the roast level and origin of the coffee beans used, as these factors can significantly impact the flavor profile of the concentrate. Additionally, check the expiration date to ensure freshness and quality.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of liquid coffee concentrate, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Ensure that the container is tightly sealed to prevent exposure to air, which can lead to flavor deterioration. Refrigeration is not necessary but can help extend the shelf life of the concentrate.

How to produce

Liquid coffee concentrate is typically produced on a large scale by coffee manufacturers using specialized equipment. It requires precise brewing techniques and subsequent concentration processes to achieve the desired flavor and consistency. Producing liquid coffee concentrate at home is not practical for most individuals due to the specialized equipment and expertise required.

Preparation tips

Liquid coffee concentrate can be used to make a variety of coffee-based beverages, including iced coffee, lattes, mochas, and frappuccinos. It can also be incorporated into recipes for desserts, sauces, marinades, and cocktails to add a rich coffee flavor. When using liquid coffee concentrate, start with a small amount and adjust according to personal taste preferences.

Culinary uses

Liquid coffee concentrate is commonly used in commercial settings, such as coffee shops, restaurants, and cafes, to quickly prepare large quantities of coffee. It is also gaining popularity among home coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the convenience and intense flavor it offers. Additionally, liquid coffee concentrate is used in the production of coffee-flavored products, such as ice creams, chocolates, and baked goods.


Liquid coffee concentrate is widely available in most regions, both in physical stores and online. It can be found in the coffee aisle of grocery stores, specialty coffee shops, and online retailers. Additionally, some coffee manufacturers offer direct-to-consumer sales, allowing customers to purchase liquid coffee concentrate directly from their websites.