Robusta coffee beans


Robusta coffee beans

The Bold Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta coffee beans are smaller and rounder than their counterpart, Arabica beans. They have a higher caffeine content and a more bitter taste, with earthy and nutty undertones. The beans are often used in espresso blends and instant coffee due to their rich flavor and ability to withstand high temperatures during brewing.

Robusta coffee beans have a bold and intense flavor profile, characterized by a strong bitterness, earthiness, and nutty undertones.

Origins and history

Robusta coffee beans originated in Central and Western Africa and have been cultivated for centuries. They are now grown in various regions around the world, including Asia, South America, and Africa. Robusta beans are often favored for their higher caffeine content and resistance to diseases.

Nutritional information

Robusta coffee beans are a good source of caffeine and contain essential nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and niacin. However, they have a higher acidity level compared to Arabica beans.


There are no known allergens associated with Robusta coffee beans.

How to select

When selecting Robusta coffee beans, look for beans that are uniform in size and color. Avoid beans that appear dull or have a musty odor, as this may indicate poor quality or improper storage. Opt for beans that have been recently roasted for the freshest flavor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness of Robusta coffee beans, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposure to moisture, heat, and light, as these can degrade the quality and flavor of the beans. It is best to grind the beans just before brewing to preserve their aroma and taste.

How to produce

Robusta coffee beans are typically grown on large plantations or in commercial coffee farms. They require specific climatic conditions, including a tropical or subtropical climate with temperatures between 20-30°C (68-86°F) and well-drained soil. The plants also need regular watering and protection from pests and diseases.

Preparation tips

Robusta coffee beans are commonly used in espresso blends, instant coffee, and dark roast coffees. They are prized for their strong flavor and ability to create a rich crema in espresso. Robusta beans can also be used in baking and cooking to add a coffee flavor to desserts, sauces, and marinades.

Culinary uses

Robusta coffee beans are widely available in coffee-producing regions, including countries like Vietnam, Brazil, and Indonesia. They are also commonly found in commercial coffee blends and instant coffee products.