


The sandwich is made by forming the cornmeal dough into a patty and then grilling or frying it until it is crispy and golden brown. The arepa is then sliced open and filled with a variety of ingredients, such as cheese, meat, or vegetables. The combination of the crispy cornmeal patty and the flavorful filling makes for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Arepa is a traditional Venezuelan dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a staple food in the country and is often served at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The sandwich is typically made with locally sourced ingredients, including the cornmeal and the fillings.

Dietary considerations

Arepa is typically gluten-free, as it is made with cornmeal instead of wheat flour. However, some fillings may contain gluten or other allergens, so it is important to check the ingredients carefully before consuming.


There are many variations of arepa, each with their own unique flavor and style. Some popular variations include the arepa reina pepiada, which is filled with chicken, avocado, and mayonnaise, and the arepa dominó, which is filled with black beans and cheese. Other variations may include different types of meat, vegetables, or sauces.

Presentation and garnishing

The sandwich should be presented on a decorative plate or platter. Garnish with fresh herbs or sliced vegetables for a pop of color.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect arepa, it is important to use high-quality cornmeal and to cook the patty until it is crispy and golden brown. The filling should be flavorful and well-seasoned, and the sandwich should be assembled with care to ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed.


Arepa is typically served on its own as a meal, but it can also be served with a side salad or soup.

Drink pairings

A glass of fresh fruit juice or a cup of coffee pairs well with arepa.