Baked Idaho Potatoes


Baked Idaho Potatoes

To make baked Idaho potatoes, start by washing and scrubbing large, russet potatoes. Then, prick the potatoes with a fork and rub them with olive oil. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake them in a preheated oven at 400°F for 45-60 minutes, or until they are tender. Serve the potatoes hot with a variety of toppings such as butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, or chives.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Baked potatoes are a classic American dish that has been enjoyed for generations. They are a staple in steakhouse cuisine and are often served with grilled meats and vegetables.

Dietary considerations

Baked Idaho potatoes are naturally gluten-free and vegetarian. However, some toppings may contain allergens such as dairy or bacon. Those with food allergies or intolerances should ensure that the toppings used are safe for their consumption.


There are many variations of baked potatoes, including adding different types of toppings such as chili, broccoli, or salsa. Some people also like to stuff the potatoes with other ingredients such as cheese or vegetables.

Presentation and garnishing

To make baked potatoes look more visually appealing, garnish them with chopped parsley or chives. You can also serve them in a decorative bowl or on a platter with a sprig of fresh herbs.

Tips & Tricks

To reduce the cooking time of baked potatoes, microwave them for 5-10 minutes before baking them in the oven.


Baked potatoes are often served with grilled meats and vegetables. They are also a great main course when served with a salad or other vegetables.

Drink pairings

Baked potatoes pair well with light, refreshing drinks such as beer or lemonade.