


Blodpudding is a flavorful sausage that is made with pork blood, barley, and spices. The sausage is typically grilled or fried and served with lingonberry jam and potatoes. The barley gives the sausage a nutty and slightly sweet flavor that pairs well with the pork. Blodpudding is a popular dish in Sweden and is often served at festivals and celebrations. It is a simple but delicious dish that is easy to make at home.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Blodpudding has been a traditional dish in Sweden for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the region of Skåne, where it is still made today. The sausage was originally made with pork blood, barley, and spices, but over time, other ingredients were added to the recipe. Today, there are many variations of blodpudding, each with its own unique flavor.

Dietary considerations

Blodpudding is not suitable for vegetarians or those who do not eat pork. It may also contain gluten and dairy depending on the recipe.


There are many variations of blodpudding, including blodkorv (blood sausage), which is made with pork blood and pork meat. Other variations may include different spices or ingredients, such as onion or allspice.

Presentation and garnishing

Blodpudding is typically served grilled or fried. It can be garnished with lingonberry jam and fresh herbs, such as parsley or thyme. A simple presentation is best to let the flavors of the sausage shine.

Tips & Tricks

When making blodpudding, be sure to use high-quality pork blood and fresh barley. The sausage can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use. To cook the sausage, be sure to grill or fry it until it is cooked through and crispy on the outside.


Blodpudding is often served with lingonberry jam and potatoes. It can also be served with a variety of vegetables, such as grilled peppers or onions. A simple salad or coleslaw can also be served as a side dish.

Drink pairings

Blodpudding pairs well with a variety of drinks, including red wine, beer, or cider. A light and fruity red wine, such as a Pinot Noir or Beaujolais, can complement the nutty and slightly sweet flavors of the sausage.