


The dish is cooked at the table in a large pot of broth, with the ingredients added gradually as they cook. The broth is flavored with soy sauce, sake, and mirin, giving it a rich and savory taste. Chirinabe is a comforting and satisfying dish that is perfect for cold weather or for sharing with friends and family.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chirinabe originated in the Tohoku region of Japan, where it was traditionally made with local ingredients such as chicken and vegetables. Today, it is enjoyed throughout Japan and is often served at home or in restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Chirinabe can be made to accommodate various dietary needs, including vegetarian and gluten-free diets. However, some of the ingredients may contain allergens, so it is important to check with the chef or server before ordering.


There are many variations of chirinabe, with different ingredients and broths used depending on the region and the chef's preferences. Some popular variations include seafood chirinabe, beef chirinabe, and tofu chirinabe.

Presentation and garnishing

Chirinabe is typically served in a large pot at the center of the table, with the ingredients arranged in an attractive and colorful display. Garnishes such as sliced scallions and shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven spice) may also be added for extra flavor and visual appeal.

Tips & Tricks

To get the most out of chirinabe, try dipping the cooked ingredients in the various dipping sauces to experience different flavors and textures. You can also add rice or noodles to the broth to make a hearty and satisfying meal.


Chirinabe is often served with rice or noodles on the side, as well as a variety of dipping sauces. Some people also like to add additional ingredients to the pot as it cooks, such as mushrooms or tofu.

Drink pairings

Chirinabe pairs well with a variety of drinks, including sake, beer, and green tea. Some people also enjoy it with a light and refreshing drink to balance out the rich flavors.