Chłodnik litewski


Chłodnik litewski

Cold beet soup

Chłodnik litewski is a refreshing and tangy soup that is perfect for a hot summer day. The soup is made by boiling beets in water until they are soft and then adding cucumbers, scallions, and dill. The mixture is then pureed until smooth and finished with sour cream. Chłodnik litewski is typically served cold and garnished with dill or chives. It is a popular dish in Poland and is often served as a starter or as a side dish with pierogi.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chłodnik litewski has been a staple in Polish cuisine for centuries. The soup is believed to have originated in Lithuania and has since spread throughout the region. It is often served during the summer months when beets and cucumbers are in season.

Dietary considerations

Vegetarian, gluten-free


There are many variations of chłodnik litewski, including adding different herbs or vegetables to the soup. Some recipes call for the addition of radishes or carrots, while others use yogurt instead of sour cream for a lighter version of the soup.

Presentation and garnishing

Serve cold and garnish with dill or chives.

Tips & Tricks

To make the soup extra creamy, use full-fat sour cream instead of low-fat.


Pierogi, rye bread

Drink pairings

Vodka, beer