English Muffin


English Muffin

English muffins are made from a dough that is enriched with butter and milk. The dough is rolled out and cut into rounds, which are then cooked on a griddle. The muffins are then split open and toasted before being served. They are often served with butter and jam, or used as the base for eggs Benedict.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

English muffins originated in England in the late 1800s. They were brought to the United States in the early 1900s and became popular as a breakfast food.

Dietary considerations

English muffins are typically made with wheat flour, which contains gluten. They are not suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. They are also high in carbohydrates and may not be suitable for people on a low-carb diet.


There are many variations of English muffins, including whole wheat, sourdough, and cinnamon raisin.

Presentation and garnishing

English muffins can be garnished with butter, jam, honey, or cream cheese. They can also be topped with sliced fruit or nuts.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect English muffin, be sure to cook them on a hot griddle and flip them only once. This will ensure that they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.


English muffins are often served with eggs, bacon, and other breakfast meats. They can also be used as the base for sandwiches.

Drink pairings

English muffins pair well with coffee, tea, and orange juice.