Halv special


Halv special

Halv special starts with a slice of rye bread, which is then topped with a layer of butter and a variety of toppings. Common toppings include sliced meats, cheese, pickles, and fresh herbs. The dish is typically finished with a drizzle of dressing or sauce, such as remoulade or mayonnaise.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Halv special is a traditional Danish dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is typically served for lunch, and is a popular option at cafes and restaurants throughout Denmark.

Dietary considerations

Halv special is a versatile dish that can be adapted to suit a variety of dietary needs. Vegetarian and vegan versions can be made by using plant-based proteins and omitting the meat and cheese. Gluten-free versions can be made by using a gluten-free bread or wrap.


Variations on halv special include using different types of bread or wraps, or experimenting with different toppings and dressings. Some recipes also call for the addition of boiled eggs or smoked salmon for extra flavor and protein.

Presentation and garnishing

To make halv special look more visually appealing, consider arranging the toppings in an artful manner, or adding a sprinkle of fresh herbs on top.

Tips & Tricks

To prevent the bread from getting soggy, toast it lightly before adding the toppings.


Side dishes that pair well with halv special include a simple green salad or a cup of soup.

Drink pairings

Halv special pairs well with a cold glass of beer or a crisp white wine.