Kazanlak Donuts


Kazanlak Donuts

Kazanlak Donuts are a sweet and fluffy dessert that are made by rolling out a yeast dough and frying it until golden brown. The donuts are then soaked in a sweet syrup made with honey, sugar, and water. The dish is typically served as a dessert or as a snack. Kazanlak Donuts are high in sugar and calories, so they should be consumed in moderation.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kazanlak Donuts are believed to have originated in the town of Kazanlak, Bulgaria and are now popular throughout the country.

Dietary considerations

Kazanlak Donuts are not suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or diabetes.


Variations of Kazanlak Donuts include adding different types of spices or flavorings to the dough.

Presentation and garnishing

Kazanlak Donuts can be presented on a plate with a decorative pattern and garnished with chopped nuts or fresh fruit.

Tips & Tricks

To prevent the donuts from becoming too greasy, it is important to fry them in small batches and to drain them on paper towels after frying.


Kazanlak Donuts can be served with a dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of honey.

Drink pairings

Kazanlak Donuts pair well with a cup of strong coffee or hot tea.