


Cherry pudding

Kirschenmichel is made by mixing bread crumbs, eggs, sugar, milk, and cherries together. The mixture is then baked in the oven until it is golden brown. The dish is usually served warm with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Kirschenmichel is a great dessert for any occasion and is sure to impress your guests.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kirschenmichel originated in Germany and has been a popular dessert for centuries. It was traditionally made with stale bread and cherries that were in season. Today, Kirschenmichel is made with fresh bread crumbs and canned cherries.

Dietary considerations

Kirschenmichel is not suitable for people with gluten or dairy allergies.


There are many variations of Kirschenmichel, some recipes call for the addition of almonds or vanilla extract. Some recipes also call for the use of sour cherries instead of sweet cherries.

Presentation and garnishing

Kirschenmichel can be garnished with fresh cherries or a sprinkle of powdered sugar on top.

Tips & Tricks

To make Kirschenmichel extra special, try adding a splash of cherry liqueur to the mixture before baking.


Kirschenmichel can be served with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top. It can also be served with a side of fresh fruit.

Drink pairings

Kirschenmichel pairs well with a glass of sweet dessert wine such as Riesling or Gewürztraminer.