Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen


Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen

Magdeburg lard cakes

Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen is made from a simple dough that is rolled out and cut into circles. The circles are then filled with a sweet filling, such as jam, cream, or fruit. The pastry is then folded over and sealed, creating a small cake. The pastry is then baked until it is golden brown and flaky. Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen is a popular pastry in Germany and is often served during the Christmas season. It is a sweet and delicious treat that is perfect for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen has been a popular pastry in Germany for many years. It is believed to have originated in the 18th century and was often served during the Christmas season. The pastry was often made by the wives of the soldiers who were stationed in Germany. They would make the pastry as a way to pass the time and to provide a sweet treat for their husbands. Over time, the pastry became more popular and is now a staple in German cuisine.

Dietary considerations



There are many different variations of Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen. Some people prefer to use a different type of filling, such as chocolate or nuts. Others prefer to add different spices to the dough, such as cinnamon or nutmeg. There are also variations that are made with different types of dough, such as puff pastry or shortcrust pastry.

Presentation and garnishing

Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen is typically served on a plate with a dusting of powdered sugar. Some people like to garnish the pastry with fresh fruit or whipped cream. The pastry can also be served with a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream on top.

Tips & Tricks

When making Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen, it is important to use a good quality filling. The filling should be thick enough to hold its shape and not run out of the pastry. It is also important to roll out the dough evenly so that the pastry is the same thickness throughout. Finally, it is important to bake the pastry until it is golden brown and flaky. If you are making a large batch of Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen, you can freeze the pastries before baking and then bake them as needed.


Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen is typically served as a dessert and does not have any traditional side dishes. However, it is often served with a cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Magdeburger Schmalzkuchen is typically served with a cup of coffee or tea. It can also be served with a glass of milk or a sweet dessert wine.