


Mazuryky is a sweet and flavorful pastry that is perfect for the winter months. The dough for the pastry is typically made with flour, butter, and sour cream, and is rolled out thin before being filled with the poppy seed filling. The filling is made from ground poppy seeds, honey, and sugar, and is often flavored with vanilla or lemon zest. Mazuryky is typically served as a dessert or a sweet snack.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Mazuryky has been a traditional Ukrainian dish for centuries, and is often served during the Christmas season. It is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages, when poppy seeds were a common ingredient in Ukrainian cuisine. Today, it is still a popular dish in Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for individuals with poppy seed allergies. It is also not recommended for individuals with diabetes or other conditions that require a low-sugar diet.


There are many variations of Mazuryky, depending on the region and the cook. Some recipes call for adding raisins or other dried fruits to the filling, while others use a different type of filling altogether. Some cooks also add a glaze or frosting to the top of the pastry for added sweetness.

Presentation and garnishing

Mazuryky is typically presented on a platter or a serving dish, with the pastries arranged in a neat pattern. The pastries can be garnished with powdered sugar or fresh fruit, such as berries or sliced oranges.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the pastry is flaky and tender, it is important to handle the dough gently and not overwork it. It is also important to let the pastry rest for at least 30 minutes before baking, to allow the dough to relax.


Mazuryky is typically served as a dessert or a sweet snack. It pairs well with a variety of hot beverages, such as tea or coffee.

Drink pairings

Mazuryky pairs well with hot beverages such as tea or coffee.