Mtsvane lobio


Mtsvane lobio

Green Bean Omelette

Mtsvane lobio is made by boiling green beans until they are tender. The beans are then mixed with a paste made from walnuts, garlic, coriander, and salt. The mixture is then heated in a pan with oil and served hot. This dish is a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Mtsvane lobio is a traditional Georgian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is often served as a side dish with meat or fish, or as a main course with bread and salad. In Georgia, Mtsvane lobio is a popular dish during the summer months when green beans are in season.

Dietary considerations

Mtsvane lobio is a vegan and gluten-free dish that is suitable for people with dietary restrictions. However, if you are allergic to nuts, you can substitute walnuts with sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.


Mtsvane lobio can be customized to suit your taste by adding different ingredients like herbs, spices, or vegetables. Some people like to add chopped onions or tomatoes to their Mtsvane lobio for added flavor and nutrition. You can also make a spicy version of this dish by adding chili flakes or hot sauce.

Presentation and garnishing

Mtsvane lobio can be presented in a variety of ways depending on your preference. You can serve it in a bowl or on a plate with a side of bread or salad. You can also garnish it with chopped herbs or pomegranate seeds for added flavor and presentation.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect Mtsvane lobio, use fresh green beans and walnuts. Make sure to boil the beans until they are tender but not mushy. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon or cumin to the walnut paste for added flavor and aroma.


Mtsvane lobio can be served with a variety of side dishes like bread, salad, or grilled meat. You can also serve it with a glass of Georgian wine for an authentic dining experience.

Drink pairings

Mtsvane lobio pairs well with a variety of drinks like Georgian wine, beer, or mineral water. You can also serve it with a glass of lemonade or iced tea for a refreshing summer drink.