



Pång’lao is made by cooking a variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables in a large pot or wok. The ingredients are typically cooked in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and other spices, and are then arranged on a large platter and served family-style. This dish is typically served with a side of rice and is a delicious and hearty meal that is perfect for sharing with friends and family.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pång’lao is a traditional Filipino dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a popular dish for special occasions, such as weddings or holiday dinners, and is often served family-style.

Dietary considerations

Pång’lao can be made with a variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables, making it a versatile dish that can be customized to suit your tastes. It is also important to use fresh ingredients to ensure the best flavor and texture.


There are many variations of Pång’lao, including those that use different types of meats, seafood, or vegetables. Some recipes also call for the addition of coconut milk or other ingredients to give the dish a unique flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Pång’lao can be garnished with a sprig of fresh parsley or a lemon wedge. It can also be served on a bed of lettuce or topped with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the ingredients are cooked evenly, it is important to stir the mixture frequently while cooking. It is also important to use a large pot or wok to ensure that all of the ingredients fit comfortably and cook evenly.


Pång’lao can be served with a variety of side dishes, including a simple green salad or a side of roasted vegetables. It is also delicious when served with a side of rice or quinoa.

Drink pairings

Pång’lao pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, white wine, or a refreshing cocktail.