Pargo relleno


Pargo relleno

Stuffed Red Snapper

Pargo relleno is typically prepared by stuffing a whole red snapper with a mixture of rice, vegetables, and spices, then baking it in the oven until the fish is cooked through and the stuffing is golden brown. The dish is then served with a side of salsa and lime wedges.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pargo relleno is a traditional Mexican dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the coastal towns of Mexico, where red snapper is abundant. The dish has since become a staple of Mexican cuisine and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

Dietary considerations

Suitable for: Seafood lovers, people on high-protein and low-fat diets, people with gluten and dairy allergies. Unsuitable for: Vegetarians, vegans, people with fish allergies.


There are many variations of pargo relleno, with different regions and chefs adding their own unique twists to the dish. Some variations include using different types of fish, such as grouper or sea bass, or adding a spicy tomato sauce to the stuffing mixture.

Presentation and garnishing

To ensure that the red snapper is cooked properly, it is important to bake it at a low temperature for a longer period of time. This will ensure that the fish is cooked through without drying out. It is also important to use fresh, high-quality ingredients to ensure the best flavor. Pargo relleno is typically presented whole on a large platter, with the stuffing mixture spilling out of the cavity. The dish is garnished with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro or parsley, and lime wedges are served on the side.

Tips & Tricks

When selecting a red snapper for pargo relleno, look for a fish that is firm to the touch and has clear, bright eyes. This indicates that the fish is fresh and of good quality. When stuffing the fish, be sure to pack the mixture tightly into the cavity to ensure that it cooks evenly. If the stuffing starts to brown too quickly, cover the fish with foil to prevent it from burning.


Pargo relleno is typically served with a side of rice and beans, or a simple green salad. It pairs well with a variety of drinks, such as a cold beer or a margarita.

Drink pairings

Pargo relleno pairs well with a variety of drinks, such as a cold beer or a margarita.