Anguilla alla muranese


Anguilla alla muranese

Eel Murano Style

Anguilla alla muranese is a unique and flavorful dish that is perfect for those who enjoy seafood. The eel is grilled until tender and smoky, which gives it a rich and savory flavor. The garlic and parsley sauce is made from garlic, parsley, olive oil, and lemon juice, which gives it a fresh and tangy flavor. This dish is best served hot and smoky straight from the grill.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Anguilla alla muranese is a traditional Italian dish that originated in the town of Murano, near Venice. Eel is a popular ingredient in many Italian dishes, especially in the coastal regions. Today, anguilla alla muranese is still a beloved dish in Italy and can be found in many traditional restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Anguilla alla muranese is not suitable for those with fish or shellfish allergies, as it contains eel. It is also high in cholesterol and fat, so it should be enjoyed in moderation.


There are many variations of this dish, including using different types of fish such as sea bass or salmon. Some people also like to add herbs such as thyme or rosemary to the sauce for extra flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Anguilla alla muranese should be served on a large plate with the grilled eel arranged in a neat pile. The garlic and parsley sauce should be poured over the eel. Garnish with a sprig of parsley or a lemon wedge for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the eel is cooked evenly, it is important to grill it over medium-high heat for 10-12 minutes on each side. It is also important to brush the eel with olive oil before grilling to prevent sticking. The garlic and parsley sauce should be made fresh and served immediately to prevent the flavors from fading.


Anguilla alla muranese is traditionally served with a side of grilled vegetables or a mixed salad. Other popular side dishes include roasted potatoes or a creamy polenta.

Drink pairings

Anguilla alla muranese pairs well with a glass of red wine or a dark beer. A full-bodied merlot or stout is the perfect complement to the rich and smoky flavors of the dish.